A Prospective Study to Find Out the Association between Supine Lying Low Back Pain and Retrolisthesis

Volume 3 | Issue 1 | April-September 2022 | page: 42-46 | Bharat R. Dave, Shivanand C. Mayi, Ajay Krishnan, Ramneesh Kohli, Devanand Degulmadi, Ravi Ranjan Rai, Mirant B. Dave

DOI: https://doi.org/10.13107/bbj.2022.v03i01.039

Authors: Bharat R. Dave [1], Shivanand C. Mayi [1], Ajay Krishnan [1], Ramneesh Kohli [1], Devanand Degulmadi [1], Ravi Ranjan Rai [1], Mirant B. Dave [1]

[1] Department of Spine Surgery, Stavya Spine Hospital & Research Institute, Mithakali, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Shivanand C. Mayi,
Consultant Spine Surgeon, Stavya Spine Hospital & Research Institute, Mithakali, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
E-mail: drshivanandmayi@gmail.com


Objectives: The objectives of this study was to test the primary hypothesis that “retrolisthesis causes supine lying low back pain (LBP).”
Methods: Patients with history of chronic back pain (>12 weeks) who presented to the hospital outpatient department were evaluated. Patients with history of supine lying exaggeration of symptoms were specifically asked for duration, for which they can comfortably lie in supine position. Retrolisthesis in this study was measured on MRI mid sagittal image by measuring the slip percent. Slip percent of more than 8% was labeled as retrolisthesis. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software.
Results: Average age of the study population was 41.46 ± 10.82 years. All the study participants had the history of supine lying LBP for 50 ± 54.51 weeks. About 94.78% (n = 115) of the study subjects had retrolisthesis on MRI. About 46.08% (n = 115) were house wives. L5-S1 was the most commonly involved level, three patients had no instability, and three patients had anterolisthesis. Duration of time up to which the patients can lie down in supine position was not statistically significant when analyzed with the VAS values for supine lying LBP and the slip percent.
Conclusion: The presence of supine lying LBP in an individual should be strongly considered for the underlying subtle instability at the lumbar intervertebral segments and diagnostic evaluation should be performed to rule out retrolisthesis.
Keywords: Retrolisthesis, Low back pain, supine lying, Lumbar instability, Vertebral slippage, Lateral stenosis, Dynamic radiograph.


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How to Cite this Article: Dave BR, Mayi SC, Krishnan A, Kohli R, Degulmadi D, Rai RR, Dave MB | A Prospective Study to Find Out the Association Between Supine Lying Low Back Pain and Retrolisthesis | Back Bone: The Spine Journal | April-September 2022; 3(1): 42-46. https://doi.org/10.13107/bbj.2022.v03i01.039

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